山形大学工学部・有馬研究室へようこそ !
Welcome to Nano Energy Laboratory (NEL) at the Department of Informatics
and Electronics Engineering, Yamagata University. Our group, led by Prof.
B. A. Arima, studies nanomaterials engineering for optoelectronic devices
focusing on renewable energy conversion and storage. General topics of
interest include (1) Nanomaterials synthesis (2) Photocatalysis(3) Solar-hydrogen (4) Quantum dot solar cell (5) Perovskite solar cell
(6) Multiferroic materials.
Science Festival
Simulation system
CdS nanocomposites
SEM analysis
Int. Summer School
Pt Photodeposition
Solar simulators
Solar cell
*The logo of NEL is combinedly designed by Prof. B. A. Arima and M1 student Y. Kibata in Dec. 2017